How to know true love

love isn’t somebody's privacy but rather, a connection between you and someone on the other side

There’s one bit of unchallenged information I have about love which is; any love based on selfishness or secrecy is BOUND TO FAIL without doubt. Based on my research, love isn’t somebody's privacy but rather, a connection between you and someone on the other side. This implies that love is what you feel for someone and must be expressed spontaneously.
How can someone expresses genuine love when on the other side of the flip, he keeps things private? This is what almost all relationship cheaters. They keep things just to themselves and even choose to hide small things such as contact numbers, emails/mails/SMS, associates, phone calls, late night calls etc.

This illustration of relationship cheaters can still be used to define true love. In order to know if it's true love, you have to spot out if any of these cheaters' traits exist in your relationship/partner. This is just one way to know true love.

With Regards
spell to make someone contact you

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